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Finding Me Page 5

  “There she is!” Owen beamed at me as he strolled out of the rink with a couple of guys from his team. He made his way over to me and slid his arm around my waist. “Good game?” Owen whispered before touching his lips to my forehead.

  “Definitely. You were so amazing, you gave me goose bumps.” I lifted my eyes to meet his gaze. His torso was still damp from the shower as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

  “Well, I had someone to impress in the stands tonight.” He pulled me closer and gave me a wet, lingering kiss on my cheek. “I think I see the goose bumps,” he whispered in my ear. He was right, I had them again, plus tingles across most of my body. Pushing him away was pointless—the charming bastard had me wrapped around his finger.

  “See you at home, dude.” I turned to the voice behind us. I assumed this was one of Owen’s roommates. He was the skinniest hockey player I’d ever seen, and had a long face for someone who just won.

  “Bella, this is Andy. One of our forwards and my roommate.” Owen tipped his chin in Andy’s direction.

  “Hey Bella. Nice to put a face with the name.” Andy greeted me with a small smile and waved at us before strolling away.

  “Nice game, OT!” Richie’s voice boomed from behind as he jogged toward us. “I thought I saw you in the stands, Bella. Nice to see you again.” There went the familiar skin crawl from the first time I was in his presence.

  Owen pulled me forward by the hand and nodded. “You too. That was a nice save.”

  “Maybe Bella should come more often. She seemed to be our good luck charm tonight.” Richie winked at me and I didn’t know how to react. This was more than good-natured flirting. His leering gaze made me want to take a hot shower and scrub most of my skin off. The obvious way he ogled me right in front of Owen spoke volumes about the kind of slimy jerk he was.

  “You mean my good luck charm because she’s my girl. Cut the shit, Richie,” Owen huffed as he yanked me away.

  “I don’t know him very well, but he’s kind of a …” My voice trailed off trying to think of the right word.

  “Douche.” Owen added for me. “Yeah, more so than usual lately.” His jaw ticked as he spoke.

  The tension in the air was thick. “So,” I whispered in Owen’s ear. “I’m your girl? Since when?” He stopped walking and shrugged.

  “Since a long time ago. You’ve just been trying to fight it so badly you didn’t notice.”

  “Excuse me?” I scoffed, even as I fought a smile. “Maybe you should ask me before you assume?” I folded my arms and tapped my foot. Owen lowered his head and shook it, but I spied the corners of his lips twitch. He grabbed my hand and laid my palm flat over his heart. His chest was warm through his thin shirt; the quick thump of his heartbeat echoed mine. My hand went quivery. He covered it with his palm, which was slightly damp. Was he nervous?

  “Where in the world are my manners? After being up north for so long I forgot.” Owen cleared his throat. “Isabella, I’ve wanted you since I first laid eyes on you. You’re smart, sexy, and I want you all to myself. So much that the thought of you with anyone else makes me crazy. Please do me the honor,” Owen picked up my hand and kissed the top of my wrist, “and say you’ll be my girl.” He reached for my other hand and kissed my knuckles one by one. “Better?”

  My insides melted, but no words came out. I was stunned, thrilled, shocked, but speechless as my dry mouth tried to say something—anything.

  The smile faded from Owen’s face as he squeezed my hand. “You’re my City. I can’t share you. I need you to be mine—and no one else’s.”

  “You …” I left the rest unsaid, grabbed the back of his neck, and pressed my mouth to his.

  Owen murmured against my lips, “I’ll take that as a yes.” He dropped the gear bag off his back and wrapped his arms around me. “That kiss before the game was too quick.”

  My brows pulled together as I pulled back. “Too quick? We had an audience in case you forgot.”

  A smirk tickled the side of his mouth. “In the future.” The husky dip in his voice made my toes curl. “This is the kiss I want from you before every game.” He brought his mouth back to mine and flicked my bottom lip with his tongue. My lips parted on a moan as he pulled me into a deep kiss. I didn’t care where we were, or who gaped at us as they walked by.

  Maybe the only one holding me back was me. For the first time in I didn’t know how long, I wasn’t aware of a black cloud over my head, and instead of the darkness I kept myself in, I saw light, happiness, and possibility. Instead of being afraid of the good things, I was grabbing them with both hands—and it felt pretty damn good.


  “TELL ME AGAIN HOW RICHIE has the time to be in a frat?” Andy huffed and shook his head. “And why? I can’t stand those Omega douchebags.” He pulled on his leather vest, still cursing under his breath. Andy was the first friend I made at Culver, and a good guy—even if his whining got on my nerves. Our apartment was within walking distance of campus, affordable, and big enough for three guys not to get on each other’s nerves—at least too much.

  “I think it’s a family tradition. His father or uncle or someone was an Omega. And, douchebags like to hang out with other douchebags. I’m sure Richie feels like he’s at home in that house. And they’re all not so bad. You just don’t want to wear a costume. Loosen up, dude.” I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and offered one to Andy.

  “Loosen up. Right. I look like one of the Village People.” I turned toward Andy and snickered. He was spot on. All he needed was the leather beret and aviators.

  “YMCA is good in a crowd. You can be the entertainment.” He jabbed my shoulder before storming away.

  “Aren’t you a little too into this? Thor? Really?”

  “You’re just jealous because I’m a superhero and you’re … what are you, anyway?”

  “A biker, idiot,” Andy called behind him as he left the kitchen.

  “How’s this? Am I grotesque enough?” Ethan burst out of his room with a bloody, broken face and red goop where his eye was supposed to be.

  “You’re a kick ass zombie. Not sure if you’ll attract any girls looking like that, but you nailed it.”

  Ethan chuckled. “I’m sure any available girls there will be chasing after you and your hammer anyway.”

  I shrugged. “They can chase all they want. My hammer and I are taken this Halloween.”

  Ethan whistled. “Wow! You really got it bad if you pulled yourself off the market so fast.”

  The crazy thing was, it didn’t seem fast at all. When I first got to Culver, I was a kid in a candy store. Girls were everywhere—always willing and very able. You wouldn’t think it would get so tiring. I never wanted to be a jerk, but I was human—and people got hurt. At the end of the day, none of them cared who I really was, they just wanted a piece of “OT.” Bella was the first one who wanted me for me, not how many goals I scored.

  It also didn’t hurt that Bella was beautiful. More than beautiful; striking, breathtaking, the kind of gorgeous that makes a man lose the ability to think and speak. When I first saw her in line at Bean Shooters, it was like being struck by a thunderbolt. The world faded away, and there was only this girl. She rolled her eyes at me in contempt and brushed me off, but it only made me want her all the more. Since the day she sat down in front of me in accounting class, she was mine. It was scary how fast I became hooked on everything about her. Everyone else paled in comparison, so as far as I was concerned, there was no market.

  “Did you take a look at my girl? You’d have it bad, too.”

  Ethan chuckled as he nodded. “Yeah, I admit I did. And so did Richie. So try to not let him get under your skin tonight. We’re all taking bets on when you finally lose it and knock his teeth down his throat.”

  I let out a long sigh and took a big swig of beer. Richie always liked to play this game with me and girls. He told people I was just his ‘wing man’ to try to get with every girl who showed an interest in me. I shrugged it o
ff as him being a first class loser, but the shit he pulled when Bella was around was different. He didn’t just flirt with her, he outright leered at her—and the more pissed I became, the more he loved to do it. He knew she was more to me. All the guys did. If fighting with a teammate didn’t get me suspended for a couple of games, I would have punched his fucking lights out weeks ago.

  “Richie won’t get the best of me. Bella’s mine. He can be the asshole he always is tonight and it’s gonna roll right off my back. You watch.”

  My phone buzzed in my pocket. I wore black jeans under my costume. Maybe superheroes in the movies could get away with tights but a real man needed dignity, and pockets.

  BELLA: Hey! I should be there around 8. Laura and I are walking there with Kristy and Jaimee.

  ME: We should be there around the same time, too. And shouldn’t you be calling me demi-god tonight?

  BELLA: Oh Jesus. I knew that hammer would go right to your head.

  ME: You don’t have to say Jesus, demi-god is just fine. Sounds like my hammer went right to your head. I hope you can control yourself in public.

  BELLA: I’m dreading walking into that party tonight. I should’ve never let Laura talk me into this costume.

  Fuck me. If she’s in some sexed up costume, Richie may not be the only one I beat to a pulp for looking at her too long.

  ME: What am I in for tonight?

  BELLA: Well, I thought we could match, and the only girl in the Avengers is Black Widow.

  ME: The curvy redhead in head to toe leather?

  BELLA: That’s the one.

  Holy shit. My body stiffened, everywhere, at the thought of Bella in skin-tight leather. There was no way she could leave my side tonight. Exhaustion already rushed through me thinking of the fights I may get into.

  ME: Are you trying to kill me?

  BELLA: Well, let me go suit up. This costume is so tight it takes a while to zip up. And it’s probably going to take a bit to walk there in my black stiletto boots.

  ME: Now you’re just being mean.

  BELLA: Haha. See you later, demi-god. Feel better now?

  ME: Much ;)

  “So,” I jumped, forgetting Ethan was standing there. “Is Bella bringing what’s left of your balls tonight?” I chuckled and dumped the beer bottle in the trash. Ethan was a good friend, too—but he never really left the candy store. There were still girls sneaking out of his room at all hours of the night. I wasn’t judging, but it wasn’t for me—and never really had been.

  “Not judging you, bro. We’re all just a little … surprised I guess. As long as I’ve known you, you never put as much time into a girl as you are now. I assumed it was part of your Southern swagger.”

  “Southern swagger?” I laughed as I squinted at Ethan but I had to look away. That zombie make up was tough to gaze at for too long without turning my stomach.

  “You know, polite, aloof. The good ol’ boy twang. Girls flock to you with barely any effort. Seems almost a shame to give up all of that just for one.” Ethan raised a bloody eyebrow at me.

  “I don’t need a flock. You wouldn’t get it.” I nodded down the hallway. “Let’s hurry up, I have a girl in leather waiting for me.”

  “Bella’s in leather tonight?” Ethan’s eyes grew wide. “Shit!”

  I held up my hand and the smile fell off Ethan’s creepy face. “Watch it. Tell the Fonz to hurry up.”

  Ethan grimaced as his fake eye dangled. “Is that who he is?”

  I shook my head and laughed. “He’s a biker. But no worries, I’m sure you guys will be by yourselves most of the night and he can tell you all about it.”

  “Ha! Chicks dig the undead. You just watch,” Ethan huffed and strode down the hall.

  By eight o’clock, the frat house was wall to wall slutty princesses, vampires, and zombies. Five minutes after we arrived, Ethan found an eager zombie girl with a split-open face. They fit together perfectly; her makeup was even more grotesque than his. I cringed and strode away in the opposite direction.

  I noticed Laura next to the keg. With her teased hair and blue eye makeup, I guessed she was Joan Jett or Pat Benatar. I had no idea how that little thing carried around such a big guitar without breaking a sweat.

  I peered over the crowd looking for Bella when a redhead caught my eye. Her leather pants were painted over the most amazing ass I’d ever seen. My eyes traveled down long legs, and my stomach flipped when I realized who she was. I tiptoed behind her and snaked my arms around her tiny waist.

  “Hey, gorgeous. I think Iron Man is looking for us,” I whispered in Bella’s ear, and smiled at the goose bumps trailing down her neck.

  Bella giggled as she turned and flung her arms around me. “Well, he’s going to wait because I can’t move too fast in this outfit.” The front was even better than the back. Bella had topped off the skin-tight pants with a snug leather jacket, the zipper open just enough to show a little cleavage from her perfect breasts.

  “Trying to fool me with a wig?” I brushed her long silky hair off her shoulder and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

  “Actually, it’s a rinse,” she murmured against my mouth. “So, I’ll be a redhead for a few days. I lost my friends in the crowd, so I’ll have to stay with you.” Bella gazed up at me through long, thick lashes. I cupped her cheek and ran my thumb along her jaw.

  “I’ll take care of you,” I whispered as I clutched the back of her neck. “I’m a demi-god, remember?” Bella laughed as I brought my lips back to hers.

  “Hey, OT!” My teeth clenched at Richie’s voice behind me. “Thor and Black Widow. That’s … cute. Although cute is not how I’d describe that costume, Bella. I wish I was a bad guy so you could beat me into submission.” Richie was in a Bruins jersey with his name printed across the back. Being the tool he was, he wore the damn thing all the time telling us that was his “future.” My blood boiled as he openly raked his eyes over Bella’s body.

  I glared at him as I pulled Bella closer. I’d gladly beat the fucker into submission myself, and was three seconds away from doing just that.

  “Hey.” Bella pulled me away but my gaze was still fixed on Richie. “Dance with me,” she whispered in my ear.

  A throwback from Maroon 5 boomed from the speakers. I pulled back and raised my eyebrows at her. “You want to dance?”

  Her lips curved up in a tense smile. She shrugged as she drifted her hands up and down my arms, trying to calm me down.

  “Yeah.” She took my hands and laced our fingers together, swaying her hips to the beat. I was hypnotized as I took one of her arms and draped it around my neck. I pulled her to me by the waist with my other hand and moved with her. I let my hands drift down her back and along her thigh. Pressed up so close to Bella, I forgot about everyone and everything else.

  “Better?” She whispered in my ear and pressed a kiss to my neck. “Thor is my favorite. Or maybe Chris Hemsworth is. Either way, I have to admit this costume is pretty hot.”

  I pinched her side and she giggled. Our kiss started as a sweet peck, but once her tongue darted out and slid across the seam of my lips, we both forgot about anything sweet. She grabbed a handful of my hair and whimpered as my tongue tangled with hers. It was dark, so I wasn’t worried about putting on a show, but I needed to get her alone. I stopped kissing her and led her down the empty hallway, where I backed her against the wall and crashed my lips to hers. I leaned against the wall with one hand and hooked her leg over my hip with the other. I rubbed my throbbing hard-on against her core as a groan escaped my throat. It didn’t matter we were in the middle of a crowded party. All I saw—all I wanted—was Bella. She consumed me that much. What the hell was happening to me? My need for her was primal, blinding, and frightening as hell. Ethan was right, I was never like this with anyone else.

  And it was starting to terrify me.

  “Wait,” Bella panted as she pulled away. She leaned her forehead against mine. “I want you, but not like this.”

  I nodded and kisse
d her forehead. “I know, and I’m sorry. I got carried away. You’re just so …” I cradled her face in my hands. “You’ve got me. All of me. You know that, right?”

  Bella smiled and gave me a soft kiss as she reached up to grab the back of my wrists. “Right back at you.” She ran her thumb along my bottom lip and offered a quiet chuckle. “There is red lipstick all over your face. You look like you’re coming from a superhero drag show.”

  “Your fault. You know once I start kissing you, I can’t stop. I’ll go clean up. Meet you back here in a couple of minutes?”

  Bella nodded and squeezed my hand. Our fingers drifted over each other before pulling apart.

  I popped into the bathroom to wash my face and came right back out. Leaving her looking like that, even for just a few minutes, made me uneasy as hell.

  “Wow. I never thought I’d see the day. Owen Thompson falling all over himself for some freshman piece of trash.”

  I cringed and turned around to find a very pissed off Amber in a devil’s costume. How appropriate. I couldn’t even call her an ex-girlfriend because we never really dated. We hooked up with no strings attached—or so I thought—in freshman and sophomore years until I noticed she was getting possessive and clingy. I didn’t do monogamy until recently. She was just this side of crazy, but I took most of the blame for creating that monster.

  “Amber, don’t call my girlfriend trash. We’ve been done for a while, and we weren’t much of anything to begin with.” Mean was the only thing that got through to her. Any courtesy I showed Amber was taken as an invitation.

  Amber scoffed as she moved closer. “You’re pathetic. You follow her like a little puppy and she goes to games wearing your jersey. Is her pussy made of gold or some—”

  “Stop,” I growled. She really had turned into Satan. I took a step forward and narrowed my eyes. “Just stop. Leave Bella alone. Leave me alone.”